Brockley Physiotherapy

What is Physiotherapy

The aim of Physiotherapy is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, reduce pain and restore function.

Brockley PhysiotherapyYour initial assessment looks into your background, your health status and current problems by listening and performing a physical assessment. This is based on western evidence based medicine. We look at the body as a whole and take into account your own beliefs so that a holistic and individual approach to a solution can be delivered.

Treatment begins based on your assessment and is continuously assessed and adapted to your needs.

To ensure your safety, Physiotherapists undergo a University education and are required to register with the Health Professions Council; they also undergo regular professional development in order to maintain this State Registration.

Most Physiotherapists spend a number of years working with Doctors, Nurses and other allied health professionals, after they are first qualified. This means that they are able to understand the medical implications of health and wellbeing and are in the best position to liaise with them about your health.

What should you expect during a Physiotherapy appointment?

Brockley PhysiotherapyOn your first visit there will be an assessment. At the end of the assessment you will be given a diagnosis and prognosis. You will then be ready to agree a treatment strategy with your therapist.
Follow up appointments are where most of the treatment occurs. A continuous form of re-assessment will take place where you tell the therapist how you feel you are progressing and the therapist adjusts or continues with the same treatment, depending on your response.
This will always be a continuous discussion with you and you can decline to consent to any treatment at any time.

What you should do?

You do not need a referral to book an appointment for Physiotherapy, Physiotherapists are independent practitioners.
You should be prepared to undress enough to allow the body part in question to be examined. For sciatica you will need to be examined at least from the rib cage down and for nerve pain in the arm, from the waist up. You may wish to bring a pair of shorts or for ladies, a sports bra if you feel that undressing is uncomfortable for you.

Brockley Physiotherapy
What is Physiotheraphy
About us